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From sketching to the final design.

Tutors Eva Zurbriggen and Giovanna Lopalco.

School Exercise

My focus is on character design, but I also enjoy some good urban sketching from time to time!

The classes I followed were crucial in my approach to environments: I no longer see them as static, unchanging objects, but as characters themselves, and so I treat them as such, personality and all.

Urban sketching and background concept.

Thumbnails | Lighting and Mood

The course with Giovanna Lopalco was more-so focused on the concept phase. She encouraged the class to experiment with colors and shapes in order to create a specific atmosphere.

Coming up with unconventional palettes for each moment of the day was my favorite challenge, and the teacher provided us with tools such as brushes and references that were extremely useful.

Environment Layout

My favorite thing about the layout process is the extreme precision it requires and I find that it is a wonderful exercise to train my mind to find creative solutions when it comes to visualize spaces. Right now I am working on getting my perspective work to be accurate while still having an harmonious and cohesive space.

Final backgrounds

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