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Character and story concept inspired by Antonia Pozzi's omonymous poem.

Tutors: Laura Fiori, Eva Zurbriggen, Gabriele Barrocu.

School Project: concept design and animation

An in-depth research on the underrated poet behind "Altura", loosely translated to "the mountain" or "heights", inspired me to create a concept for animation that is warm and loving, but bittersweet at the same time.

The forbidden love that Antonia felt towards her latin high school teacher is mirrored in the dynamic between the protagonist of the short and her lover, since queer love is often frowned upon, too.

Animation test

After the research on the author and the concept design, I tried to find an animation style that would suit the mood and themes of the short: I went for a traditional animation using the Toonboom pipeline, with an animated shading on the characters and minimal compositing - all found in the technical bible.



La glicine sfiorì


su noi.

E l’ultimo battello

attraversava il lago in fondo ai monti


Petali viola

mi raccoglievi in grembo

a sera:

quando batté il cancello

e fu oscura

la via del ritorno.


Previsualisation | Shot composition


Story Beats


Research Process

Concept work

Inspiration Sketches

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